Friday, June 13, 2008

Welcome, Friends. Eat with Us.

Christa & Jaimey. Aka, us!

When we first met, we knew pretty quickly that we were meant to be friends. We knew for many reasons, but one undeniable reason was our mutual affection for food. We both find absolute joy in trying out obscure restaurants, tasting exotic dishes, and tackling uncharted food territory.

So we did what any two girls who adore food would: we began making plans and lists of restaurants we wanted to try, and the plans and lists just kept on growing. So we decided, we should really keep track of the restaurants we want to try and document our yummiest discoveries for the benefit of other food lovers out there.

And so we offer you Girls' Bite Out. We hope you'll visit often and perhaps benefit from (or simply eat vicariously through) reading our reviews. We'd also love to hear about your own happy food experiences. Our philosophy: good food equals happy people. And happy ain't bad, people.


Jacque said...

how fun! i fear i'll be eating vicariously through you more than actually going and eating what you do... i'm not that brave yet. happy eating to you both! can't wait to read more!

Kim Ryden said...

Such a great idea! Jaimey...we should geta bite at the Red Rock Brewery during convention! That place was yummy! Then you can review it for everyone to see!

Kristi said...

Love the idea! Can't wait to read and learn some new places to try!